

2011-11-29    藍藍設計的小編

轉載藍藍設計(   tweetduck.com  )是一家專注而深入的設計機構 ,為期望卓越的國內外企業(yè)提供有效的   BS界面設計  、   cs界面設計  、   ipad界面設計  、   包裝設計    圖標定制    用戶體驗  、交互設計、   網站建設  、平面設計服務

Official user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) guidelines from the manufacturers, links to which you can find below, are a source of inspiration for mobile web and app design. Here, you will find guidelines, samples, tips, and descriptions of common mistakes. Many of the guidelines focus on native application development, but we can apply most parts of them to mobile web design too.

Remember to provide the best possible experience on each platform. Do not deliver an iPhone experience to a BlackBerry user. Every platform has its own UI and usability guidelines that every user is expecting on your app


More tips on mobile web design on the Programming the Mobile Web book .

Do you know any other UI Guideline? Insert the link on the comment area.





藍藍設計的小編 http://tweetduck.com


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